Black Panther Party Heritage Trail in Illinois






Historical Preservation Society of the Illinois Chapter of the Black Panther Party

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Following the groundbreaking federal recognition of 29 sites associated with the history of the Black Panther Party in Illinois in a multiproperty designation on the National Register of Historic Places in December, 2023, Preservation Futures is working with the Historical Preservation Society of the Illinois Chapter of the Black Panther Party (HPS) to develop and manage a heritage trail. Because the vast majority of sites associated with the Panthers have been destroyed, in some cases deliberately, interpreting this history poses a unique challenge. Preservation Futures is working with HPS on all aspects of the trail including implementing historic markers, developing curricula for in person and virtual tours, and working to expand the trail with individual recognition of extant properties.

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Headquarters Historical Marker

Sites that will be recognized on the trail include the Party Headquarters (demolished) at 2350 W. Madison Street, Chicago; the Spurgeon "Jake" Winters Free Medical Center–(demolished) at 3850 W. 16th Street, Chicago; the Better Boys Foundation (new structure) at 1512 S. Pulaski, Chicago, the location of the first location of the Free Breakfast for Children program; the Southside Office (demolished) at 4233 S. Indiana, Chicago; the Fred Hampton Assassination Site (demolished) at 2337 W. Monroe, Chicago; and the People’s Church, now Epiphany Center for the Arts, at 201 S. Ashland, Chicago.

Photos courtesy HPS